QUEST 1: Treasure Hunt
- Get 3 Map Pieces: Clicking the green “Ask Friends” button will post the request to your Newsfeed. Only a total of 3 friends can click on the request in their Newsfeed to help complete the request, then once all 3 requests are fulfilled, any additional friends will receive the message “Whoa there! You can only help your friend once per feed. Look out for the next one!” (Can ask again after 5 hours)
- Harvest Lighthouse Cove
- Harvest 70 Candy Corns
QUEST 1 REWARDS: 100 XP, 1 Halloween Tree, and 2,500 Coins
QUEST 2: Hang the Haunts
- Get 3 Jack O'Lanterns: Clicking the green “Ask Friends” button will post the request to your Newsfeed. Only a total of 3 friends can click on the request in their Newsfeed to help complete the request, then once all 3 requests are fulfilled, any additional friends will receive the message “Whoa there! You can only help your friend once per feed. Look out for the next one!” (Can ask again after 5 hours)
- Buy 1 Cat-O'-Lantern (you can click on the green tab it will take you to market to buy)
- Harvest 70 Cove Cranberries
QUEST 2 REWARDS: 200 XP, 1 Great Dane Dog, and 2,500 Coins
QUEST 3: The Mystery of Pirate Pete
- Get 6 Clues: Clicking the green “Ask For Help” button will allow you to send the request for help directly to your friends
- Make Fruit Cider Twice
- Harvest 70 Butter & Sugar Corns
QUEST 3 REWARDS: 300 XP, 1 Ghost Sheep, and 2,500 Coins
Bonus QUEST 1: Bonus Challenge!
- Get Creamed Corn Recipe to Level 20
- Harvest 110 Daylilies
- Harvest Lighthouse Cove
Bonus QUEST 1 REWARDS: 500 XP, 1 Ghostly Tombstone, and 2,500 Coins
Bonus QUEST 2: Bonus Challenge!
- Achieve Level 1 mastery of Butter & Sugar Corn
- Improve Cove to Level 7
- Make Jonnycakes 4 times
Bonus QUEST 3: Bonus Challenge!
- Harvest 1 Avairy
- Harvest 110 Dills
- Harvest 1 Orchard
Bonus QUEST 2 REWARDS: 500 XP, 1 Pirate Sheep, and 2,500 Coins
Hope It Helps You Finish the Quest Fast!!
Happy Farming
Get Creamed Corn Recipe to "Level 20" ?!!!!
Lol!! Zynga has funny quests... level 20...
worst quest i have ever seen level 20 for creamed corn
level 20 creamed corn is down right STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
why i,m not doing bonus quest
You must stay ahead of yourself. It's not hard. FarmVille Post's all the Quest's and Bonuses' ahead of time. Don't be annoyed with them - anyone to be be blamed is your own fault's. I " LOVE " all the Quest's & Bonuses'; it's a ( Challenge & adrenaline rush )!!!! They're even listened to the people and have given ample time during each Quest and when the Quest's are over to take advantage of the Lighthouse Cove.
it's just a silly little game anyway. Who cares! Some of the goals are outrageous, but so what, I just let them expire...hehehe. Adrenaline rush...OoooKAY.
I agree please level 20 I thought I was doing good to be a level 14 on that dumb thing.. and like others I do what I can if can't get to it they just expire but please 3 days to get that quest done is a bit much wonder if Zynga could with out FV cash we all know that answer no
omg they are so crazy....level 20 on creamed corn, what was they thinking??
I agree - you HAD to purchase FV cash to by-pass that part of the Quest...... Post it ahead yes, but NO Way to get to level 20 w/o buying it....Sorry.......
I got to level 20 with the help of all my friends buying goods I love the quests I hope I get to harvest my dill im at 86% so I can get my pirate sheep and yes work and think ahead so u dont have to wait like planning its good learning experience LOL have fun its free and its not serious all good bad indifferent you can get what u want if u try in life same goes for games ty for the quests