This promotion deals with the holiday shopping season, and contains a single question about your shopping habits (how much money do you would save if you didn't put off shopping until the last minute). You're then asked if you would like to locate your nearest Best Buy store, as the company is throwing "Shop Early, Save Big" events leading into the holiday shopping season proper. Luckily, you can skip this step altogether to automatically be taken to the end of this promotion where you'll see the exciting "You've earned your Farm Cash" text appear in the top right corner of the screen.
Then and only then can you close this promotional window, where you should see your in-game Farm Cash total go up by two (or the game may automatically refresh to "push" the Farm Cash into your account). If neither of those things happens, you can manually refresh the game, which should finally set things right. While two Farm Cash may not be enough to even buy a limited edition tree in the market, if you complete every activity as they come to your account, you'll eventually be able to save up enough for trees or something more expensive. As usual, we'll make sure to bring you continued coverage of these cross-promotional activities, so you know just what to look out for in your own game.

250,00 dollars..
very good